Tuesday, August 7, 2018

My Daith ear Piercing for Migraines headaches.

     As most of us know when you get to the point that you realize the doctors are of little help and only in it for the money, you start trying things you normally would not do. I had heard about an ear piercing( Daith  ear Piercing) that gets rid of headaches, so I gave it a try.
     When I went into the piercing parlor I thought all I had to do was ask for the piercing that gets rid of headaches, but when I did they went overboard to make it clear that they do not do medical procedures and could loose their license for even suggesting it. Leave it to the government to once again screw things up. I had to point to where I wanted the piercing and then sign a release stating that it was not suggested as a medical procedure to me.
     Now the place I went to was very professional, clean, very helpful about keeping it clean and if I had any problems I could call or stop back in. The piercing was very fast but was painful. Once it was in I was okay and had to adjust to how I slept, ect , but after a couple weeks of healing I was fine.
      My headaches began to become less intense, although never completely went away it was a major improvement. I had the option to do the other side as well as they recommend the side that hurts the most. In my case of having so many different types of headaches it was hard to tell if one side or the other hurt more. Unfortunately, someone had to tell me that I could go deaf in 15 or 20 years, so I decided to live with just the one piercing.
       In the end, 6 months later I had to remove the piercing because of a job. The effects lasted another 6 months after and as I am no-longer working there, I am considering having it done again.
I have heard from many people and everyone seams to get a different result, with a few people saying it did not work at all. All I can say is it that it helped me and if your going to have it done, DO YOUR HOMEWORK, and talk to as many people as you can.