Tuesday, December 10, 2013

headaches and bad lighting

{Disclaimer; this story is intended for entertainment purposes only and in no way intended to diagnose or to make recommendations for other people's medical conditions}

Lighting and lights
Over the last few years the government has pushed us away from using incandescent lighting and toward florescent lighting. In an effort to save energy and possibly to make more money, they have gone as far as passing a law making incandescent lights illegal. I remember my father and other people saying that florescent lighting was not good to work under as it strained the eyes. It caused headaches, made objects look unnatural and is unsafe to use because of the Mercury in the light bulbs. It is funny how no one seems to be making these statements anymore or asking questions about how safe florescent lighting is. How do artisans work anymore if they are forced to work under unnatural lighting? Does OSHA have anything to say about such things? There seems to be little if any research having been done on the topic.
          As a child in school I witnessed one of my classmates go into a seizures as the result of a flickering florescent light. How much the flickering florescent light had to do with my friends seizure I do not know, but as a person trying to find answers about my own headaches I cannot help but wonder what the possibilities are. My latest job puts me in a office with florescent lighting and staring at a computer screen for several hours a day. My headaches seem to have increased as of late and I cannot help but wonder if there is some connection. In the last year I worked at Amazon.com in Fernley Nevada, I remembered they were forced to change all of their lighting because of the new law. This was also about the same time my headaches begin.

          Over the last few years I have come to realize that our human civilization seems bent on poisoning itself to death. That we seem to be repeating the same mistakes that helped bring about the fall of the Roman Empire. There is some archaeological evidence that the use of lead pipes and the degradation of their sanitation system may have been to blame. Let us pray that our civilization wakes up and realizes the road that they are now traveling down, is a dead end.

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